Saturday, January 30, 2016

Someone Who Changes You

Have you ever heard that saying, "Find or be with someone who doesn't try to change you"? Well I call BS. Relationships change us, they cause alchemy within us. We, and everything else, are in constant evolution. Even rocks evolve! Hardly anything stays the same for long. Two people married for an entire lifetime will see their bodies and lives change constantly around them. Love, and effort, are what hold people together over time. But even love, especially romantic love, shapeshifts and changes form within a relationship. Have you ever known two people who looked so happy and doing well to suddenly end up hating each other and breaking up or getting a divorce? Public photos that couples may post can be deceiving for what is actually going on within the relationship behind closed doors.

Romantic love changes us, whether the person openly tries to change the other person or it's done subtly. Sometimes changes to the individuals within a romantic partnership happen very gradually over time. A person can change so much from their experience in a romantic relationship, that by the time they're deep into one, they're nothing like the person they were before.

Romantic love can make us better people too, it all depends on the two people involved and the progression of the relationship. Each relationship is a completely unique entity, because each of us are individual unique souls and creations.

People try to cling and hold onto someone, because they fear losing them, or fear potential changes. No matter what you do, all relationships will "end" at some point, because leaving the body in death is inevitable. Even people who get married just once and stay with their one same mate for their entire lifetime, will eventually die.

If you watch the movie "Lucy", they say that if you speed up something infinitely fast, it disappears...that it is time, time that defines us. A time we hold for awhile in some sort of space in this universe or galaxy. I can go on and seemingly make no sense of life and the mysteries of the universe. I wish my mind could understand even more. Maybe the more wisdom that comes, the more life becomes easier to navigate, and make more sense. With all of that being said, are we just meant to have an endless amount of relationships and experiences within our consciousness? Are we just souls flitting around like butterflies, getting to grace each other's lives for a time, then moving along to whatever is next in our future?

You can feel abundantly sad over the fact that people grow old, people get sick, loved ones die, and relationships end...or you can just learn to appreciate each day. You can feel abundantly sad over romantic love changing or fading, or you can just get stronger, adapt better, and accept times of release, change, and transition. I'm not sure there is any avoiding it for long. Be grateful for whatever you have, when you have it. And when it leaves your hands, be grateful you had it, had the experience, had the love...and be open to whatever is coming next.

~Mandelyn Reese


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