Wednesday, February 19, 2014


{The Artists in Music Awards - Hollywood}

Patience has got to be one of the most difficult things to learn in life. Sometimes you just want something sooooo badly, but you can't have it, but maybe you can have it if you're patient enough and keep trying. I read a quote somewhere that said, "The ego is impatient, because it knows its time is limited. The spirit is patient because it knows it is eternal."
If you give up easily then that thing you wanted will stay out of reach or slip through your fingers. Sometimes though, if you are patient and keep trying, magical things can happen. Patience shows you are strong and more resilient. Patience will help get you through more discouragements and obstacles and feel more balanced. Staying positive and calm when things don't go your way or things get tough will make those times smoother to get through, because patience allows you to think on a higher level and act from a place of more solidarity.

Patience is needed more these days. In such a fast-moving society, we're constantly feeling more and more of a push to get things done faster. More people are feeling like there just aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish all that they want or need to do. The way society has become in general has people so strapped for personal time, it's remarkable. The cost of living keeps skyrocketing, and it's getting tougher to make enough money to make ends meet and keep up with bills, so people are finding themselves working more hours weekly on the job. Some people don't even get the choice: their jobs force them to work more than they'd ever willingly want to work. What you allow will continue.... if you let your job take advantage of you, it will only continue and/or get worse. Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself.

More patience is needed around society, because if one person becomes impatient and becomes angry or irritated, that vibe gets sent out to everyone else around them. Traffic is a great example of this. Everyone around a pissed-off driver is effected if that driver blares their horn in impatience. It's also evident when a person gets irate from waiting in a line too long or whatever the situation may be and that irritated person takes their frustrations out on anyone around them or unsuspecting innocent recipients of their anger.

When you apply patience while you're navigating through a storm, you will find out that the storm passes so much easier, and the clouds will dissipate and the sun will shine through once again. Even the fiercest storms in life come to an end and renewal follows.

I'd like to share a quote from one of my favorite books "Rays of the Dawn" by Dr. Thurman Fleet:
"Patience enables us to estimate people, conditions, and things in their true light and to guard against the emotional upsets and biased judgment that often cloud the vision."

There is the saying "Patience is a virtue." This is so true. Patience must be learned by the soul in life, because life will constantly be throwing you new situations to test you. You may encounter situations almost daily that require patience. When you start having a higher awareness and consciousness of things, being patient actually becomes easier. You realize that things happen for a reason, and most everyone around you is doing the best they can. Not everyone is on the same wavelength or may have the same level of intelligence or emotional stability as you, so be patient and kind with others. You never know what someone else is going through that may have caused the way they behave and think.

Mandelyn Reese
The LA Street Angel

1 comment:

  1. Amazing take on patience my friend! Thank you for all you do!
